

Winter Macros

Winter’s here and all the bugs are away so what to shoot with my macro gear? Well, if you look hard enough there’s still plenty of small things to photograph. These three macro pics were taken with my trusted macro equipment: – Olympus E-M5 – Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm f/2.8 Macro – Raynox DCR-250 super macro […]

Sorin Sirkus Joulushow Kinahmi (2017)

Lighter = Better! My wife and I have a tradition to go and see the Christmas show by a local youth circus called Sorin Sirkus each year. This year the show was called Sorin Sirkus Joulushow Kinahmi. I’ve taken my trusted old Olympus E-M5 compact system camera (with the amazing Olympus M.Zuiko 40-150mm f/2.8 PRO […]

First Time For Everything

Hello! So… How did this happen? I’m not a real blogger and never fancied writing these kind of silly texts anywhere. Yet here we are. To be honest, this site is mainly for showcasing my work and that’s about it. Don’t expect long blog posts – unless they’re filled with pictures or videos.