

Studio Moven joulunäytös 2018

Studio Moven perinteinen joulunäytös pidettiin joulukuun puolivälissä Tampere-talolla. Keikkani virallisena tapahtumakuvaajana kesti 7-8 tuntia ja esityksiä taltioitiin yli 70.
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A local dance studio called Studio Move had its Christmas show in December. I was the event’s main photographer and shot for 7-8 hours and captured more than 70 acts.

Facebook Page Created

I decided to offer my (potential) customers more ways to communicate with me and therefore created a photography focused page to Facebook too. At least for the time being the page is called ”Valokuvaaja Teemu Paukamainen”.

Henriikka Roo @ Nautinto 2K18

Guess what! I assume the amazing pole dance artist Henriikka Roo liked my Studio Move spring show photos since she asked me to come and shoot her new show last weekend. The request was perhaps a bit unusual though. ”Why’s that?” one might ask. Well, the show was at a local adult expo called Nautinto […]

Studio Moven kevätnäytös 2018

One of the performers was calling out for photographers in Facebook and I had no plans for the Saturday morning so I thought why not go and shoot at the Studio Move Spring Show 2018. I hadn’t shot any pole dance events for 5 or 6 years now and thought this would be a perfect […]

Winter Macros

Winter’s here and all the bugs are away so what to shoot with my macro gear? Well, if you look hard enough there’s still plenty of small things to photograph. These three macro pics were taken with my trusted macro equipment: – Olympus E-M5 – Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm f/2.8 Macro – Raynox DCR-250 super macro […]

Sorin Sirkus Joulushow Kinahmi (2017)

Lighter = Better! My wife and I have a tradition to go and see the Christmas show by a local youth circus called Sorin Sirkus each year. This year the show was called Sorin Sirkus Joulushow Kinahmi. I’ve taken my trusted old Olympus E-M5 compact system camera (with the amazing Olympus M.Zuiko 40-150mm f/2.8 PRO […]

First Time For Everything

Hello! So… How did this happen? I’m not a real blogger and never fancied writing these kind of silly texts anywhere. Yet here we are. To be honest, this site is mainly for showcasing my work and that’s about it. Don’t expect long blog posts – unless they’re filled with pictures or videos.